Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fun with Sheep!

As mentioned, Hobbiton is also a sheep farm.  So half of the tour was exploring the film sets, and the other half was watching sheep shearing in a creepy shed where no one could hear you scream.

I bring this up because think of the potential for the compound tour once we have a gimmick.  Jimmy could lead a class in wood carving.  Uncle Chuck could show the proper way to set up barricades on the ditch following a hurricane.  Mum can lead seminars on laptops now that she has one.  And Annie could just be her adorable self.


  1. You are way too totally excited about feeding that little lamb. Did the spirit of Mom possess you? Please don't bring that varmint home like Billy Crystal did in City Slickers.

  2. You forgot to mention how incredibly FUNNY the creepy sheep shearing experience was... I mean the man in the muscle shirt with the frightened livestock still gives me the giggles!
